Romans 12:12 "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;"

We are moving!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Five Foods

5.  Lemon Supreme Cake-  Nana has always made this cake for me.  Whether a special occasion, or just a pick-me-up, the few moments I spend devouring a piece of this cake is always enjoyed.

4. Smuckers' frozen PBJs- They have become a comfort food to me because I eat them when I begin any teaching position.  All I need to do to get my lunch ready for school is grab a frozen one before I walk out my door.  That's it!

3. Hamburger Helper- This packaged commodity must leave our pantry.  Aside from the over abundant salt, one box won't feed us anymore.  Don't bother mentioning that I could just make two boxes, because that just ain't happening.

2. Chocolate Gravy- Nana first experienced this wonderful biscuit-cover when she married into the Null  (my grandfather) family.  Nulls like pretty much anything sweet.  Johnstons like anything chocolate, except Daddy doesn't like chocolate gravy.  Something about it being better as pie filling...  Anyway- I love the stuff.  Talk about bad for you!  Jake was introduced to this when he entered the family.  He said we should feast on this once every 10 days. That a boy.

1. Sweet Tea- I think I had this in my bottle;  my kids have!  Jake and I had it as a drink option at our wedding. He prefers the syrup-y kind.  Since I don't measure the sugar I put in the tea pitcher, sometimes it's sweet enough, but often its not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

chocolate gravy...MM!