Romans 12:12 "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;"

We are moving!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Think He's Got It!

Peyton is understanding that blue and yellow make green!  BIG DEAL.  A few weeks ago I posted that he was confusing blue and yellow, and he still does some.  But Wednesday morning he was playing with the blue and yellow play dough I made him when I heard him say to himself, "Blue and yellow make green."  Well that is all this teacher-mother's heart needed to rejoice. 

Tuesday afternoon, mixing in the sun

No booster, Mama!

talking in Bubby's microphone

While we were playing, TJ bumped his head on the table and he started to cry.  He looked up at me with those precious eyes and of course I said, "Come here baaaby."  (Cue sappy, pouty-lip, Mommy voice.)  Most kids would walk around the table to get their lovin', not TJ!  No he crawled across the table!

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