Romans 12:12 "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;"

We are moving!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Are You OK Mommy?

No, I'm not.  9 am is my appointment at the shot doctor tomorrow.  I can't wait to see him.  I have been considering taking my camera with me to capture the needle. 

Jake was off work today.  He started his day off by going fishing.  I TYPED ALL THIS LAST NIGHT!  before I passed out. 

Isn't it funny how a good nights rest makes everything better? Sometimes that works; not here, not today.  I had a coughing fit last night that quite literally scared all of us.  I would begin to hack and then lose the ability to catch my breath.  Peyton was sitting in my lap playing starfall at the time and he repeatedly asked the title question.  Jake promptly gave me two kinds of knock-out medicine and sent me straight to bed.  I knew nothing until after 7 this morning. 

NOW: in other news!

The OTHER part of my Mother's Day present!
Peyton picked this out.  It is insulated for when I take him to the park or other places. 

TJ was rather smiley last night, so I got some pictures!!
Who does he look like here?

Whatever he was going after was very interesting indeed.

TJ doesn't have enough toys.

cute yes?
 TJ and Peyton learned how to kiss me on both cheeeks- at the same time.  Here is one pucker:
Look how handsome!

Side shot of the hair do
After their baths last night, I did something new with Peyton's hair.  I dried it with a hair dryer!!  Here is the results. 


Sarah Beth said...

Sorry your sick!! Sounds like bronchitis. :( I am lovin' your blog! :)

Whitney said...

whatever it is, it can turn it sideways

Anonymous said...

Love your gift!