Romans 12:12 "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;"

We are moving!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Not as Much Fun as it Might Seem

This morning I slept until 8, sort of.   Jake was supposed to be at work at 4 am, but at 20 til he was still in bed.  Before he got in the shower, Peyton came to our room with Honeybear and his pillow in tow.  So I helped him climb into our bed.  Then after Daddy got in the shower I helped Peyton out of bed so that I could bring TJ into bed.  Well after Daddy went to work (4:30,) Peyton came back and told me that he had thrown up and he wanted me to clean it up.  So I put TJ into his crib with a bribe (bottle of milk) and went to clean up.  Poor kid, I suppose that is why he came to my room to start with, his belly hurt.  ---Anyhow, I got up to wash the comforter and study my Bible.  After two cups of coffee I was barely able to keep my eyes open.  So I parked my parka on the couch and went back to sleep.  UNTIL 8:15 WHEN PEYTON said "Good Morning Mama!" 

We had plans to head to Foscue park this morning to play at 10.  We leisurely got ready and headed out for 20 minutes of fun in the sun and sand.  That's when Peyton took off up the hill toward the bathroom.  After that trip he and his brother wanted to walk on the path.  Two toddlers, no stoller, path; not as much fun as it seems.

At home, Peyton was walking around with a blanket over his head - he found out the hard way.  That's not as much fun as it seems either.  

The table was in Peyton's way, ouch

The boys went down for their first summertime nap, I captured each.
I bribed him again

Honeybear and Peyton

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