Romans 12:12 "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;"

We are moving!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Graduation Day + 9 Years

That was a special day in CHSAPAC history.  The BEST class EVER graduated and abandoned the hallowed halls.  Ah, the memories (insert Streisand song by the same name- ok just imagine it.) 

I remember going to practice that morning.  I went in a t-shirt and garbage shorts (Soffee).  I didn't have a dress to wear under my robe yet, or shoes.  So off to Penny's I went after practice.  I got the MOST SCANDALOUS dress I've ever owned, still is, er, was.  I wore the same necklace my mom wore in her senior portrait.  awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

We lined up outside the gym and every body clicked their wind-up cameras to capture their favorite graduate.  I remember being petrified that Bruce Dillingham would call me by the code name he used for me, Courtney.  Mr. Dillingham was the president of the school board at that time, so he handed out diploma covers (because I have yet to hear of any school that gives you the diploma at the ceremony.)  But that wasn't my only concern.

Imagine the Whitney you know and love, now realize that this outgoing mother of 2 was painfully shy in front of crowds.  Well, alone in crowds.  SPEECH.  I was nervous from the moment Mrs. Trapp called my house to say that I had a speech to make.  No, the class hadn't elected me for a speech- ha- I was speaking as salutatorian. 
A dream of mine had been realized; just like my cousin Amy (Harwood) I had worked hard and made it!  Except she was also head cheerleader, annual editor, and Most Beautiful.  I tried to measure up, but I guess I have excelled in other arenas (plus she went to ACHS!) 

After the graduation ceremony, my family + Jake (my mom fed the boy all year, she already knew) feasted at Taco Bell.  When we got home, I somehow poured a kerosene lamp full of kerosene onto my favorite flipflops ever.  And the next night was prom. 


Sarah Beth said...

I love this post! It made me remember my HS Graduation. Oh the memories!

meme said...

Whit - thanks for this memory!!! You know Bruce passed away 1 year ago today (05/26/11). So keep sassy and girls in your thoughts. Have enjoyed reading your blog!!!