Romans 12:12 "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;"

We are moving!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tonight is NOT a Good Time

Fairhaven is having a teacher appreciation banquet tonight.  I need to be there at 5:30, and I'll be working in the kitchen.  So tonight is not a good time for meatloaf.  Sorry kids and Daddy. 

I am blogging from school today: no pictures; tonight is not a good time for pictures.

TJ and Peyton both slept all night last night, in their own beds!!!!  Tonight would not be a good time to go backward on that development boys.

Today wasn't a good day for my class.  I already don't feel just wonderful, but when another teacher walks my kids into the room and gives them a speech- IN FRONT OF ME- about not knowing how to act????  EMBARASSED! So what do you think I did???  I won't hold you in suspense.  I gave them silent lunch.  Afterward I called each individual into the hallway, and most of them lied and said they didn't cause the confusion.  WELL!!!!  So I called the other teacher to ask for a list of names, which she supplied.  Then they got lectured in the hallway.  To releave tension, I allowed some of my girls to show me some new dances.  HEHE, no, I will not show you.

If I feel better tonight when I get home- I will post pics of the banquet, don't hold your breath.

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