Romans 12:12 "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;"

We are moving!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Shiatsu Masage

My back was hurting before I ever left the house this morning.  Once I got to school, the teachers and I decided that the classroom was the culprit.  The real teacher, Mrs. Polk, just had back surgery.  The room, obviolusly, caused this.  Computer teacher across the hall kept a massage chair insert in her room just for such occasions, which happened (s) often.  Today, I was the lucky recipient of the insert.

*got to figure out how to add pictures from the internet*

I had a tooth filling this afternoon, yuck, ouch.  Dr. Never Remembers Me asked me YET AGAIN if I had ever had orthodontics.  HELLO???? Catch a sight of that x-ray? Metal plates and screws don't just appear.  Wish someone had a picture of me at that time of my life so I could share with you.  The few who were present will probably say they can't remember my chipmunk cheeks. Bless you.

Jake will have a fishing tournament this weekend.  It is his first tournament, ever! I am so proud of him.  The corndog plant has been running without Mr. Key for one day now, wonder if they made it?  Tomorrow, Jake and Peyton are going to T-town tomorrow.  I will try to photograph their gains. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hated that time of your life. =(