Romans 12:12 "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;"

We are moving!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Laryngitis and Jakey

I think I'll include a picture of happier times.

Well, I was happy.

Oddly, that is the outfit I put on this morning.  I did not wake up until 6, which is one and a half hours after  I normally get up.  I still went in to work with my class, and surprisingly they were very obedient today.  Surprising because fifth graders are notorious for taking advantage of teachers who don't feel well.  How do you control a rowdy group of fifth graders when you don't have a voice?  Preparation and slickness.  I have already prepared the class by drilling my expectations into them.  I used slickness (that is all I know to call it) by keeping a yard stick in my hand for one hour straight this morning.  I let students do all my talking, like when we reviewed worksheets under the ELMO.  I certainly hope it works tomorrow too.

But I couldn't stay all day.  I came home at 11:30 and ate my lunchable.  Then I drank two cups of hot tea that Jake bought for me last night at WM.  I slept the rest of the afternoon until Peyton woke me up to tell me Daddy let him ride in the truck, and to see if I felt better.  Not really, son.  JAKE IS WONDERFUL! He's mine, you can't have him.  He bought me two kinds of tea to sip while I am sick, theraflu, and found cough drops in our medicine cabinet.  He never complained about taking care of the kids by himself or having to stay home yesterday.  AND he just delivered theraflu to me while I post on the couch.  Yes ladies, he's mine, all mine!  As I type, Peyton has curled up on the opposite end of the couch to watch Thomas, and put his little feet under my blanket.  Yes, I am sick- but strangely happy.


Anonymous said...

Love this little post, AND this blog!!!

Looking good girlfriend!!!!!!

hrneal said...

awww I hope you are feeling better!!! and you're right, you got a good one ;)

meredith said...

I love your blog! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

You & Jake are perfect for each other! Love y'all!

Jessica said...

You are SO blessed! (I'm catching up lol)